Week 5 Goggle ads

 Google Ads

Wondering What is Google Ads? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Google ads are ads you see on google when you search up a specific product or service. Google ads are an advertising platform that websites pay for their company to be there. Google ads can also be from Youtube. When clicking a video from YouTube ads will appear and make the viewer watch their product on stream. 

For example, if I search up gym cloths it will show google ads of Gym Shark as a sponsor. This will be at the very top. The customer would have to scroll down to see the actually websites for gym clothes. 

Google Introduces AI-Powered Search Ads

Why do companies use this method of Advertising?

1) Views- Many people will see your company once your specific topic is searched. It is very hard to miss your website and everyone will see it on the top of their screen.

2)  Targeting audience- you are able to focus your ads on food, self care or finance. 

3) Display of the product- The display of product is very important because it markets the company's product first to the customer. It displays a visual on the shopping section. 

Do YouTubers Get Paid if You Skip Ads?

Google ads overview

Buy paying for google ads, it will benefit the company that is being presented. It is the first sponsor we see and product displayed on our search bar. It is impossible to avoid companies like Yelp, Toyota, Amazon, Walmart and Microsoft. 


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