Week 3 Social Media Marketing

 What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is marketing taking place on social media platforms such as TikTok, X, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. Social media marketing is used to promote whatever product that your company is putting out. For example, if you are really into fitness and the gym you will see a lot more fitness content on your social media platforms. On your social media apps you may see marketing advertisements such ass Gym Shark or YoungLA. Companies like these are able to market their brands to customers that appeal to these type of clothing style. By presenting your product to the correct audience then your company will be able to succeed. 

Use Paid Social Media to Grow your Business!

Social media marketing can be effected by 

* posting pictures of the product 

* posting videos of the product 

* stories about the product 

* Allowing influences to promote the product

How to Learn Social Media Marketing for Free (For Beginners)

Why do companies use social media as a marketing strategy? 

Companies are using these social media platforms because they want to connect with their customers online. Another reason why companies use these platforms is because many people and especially younger generations use social media daily. By using these platform this allows them to connect with a younger audience. This can increase and spread the companies product such as clothing because its so easy to share on social media. 

Finally, social media marketing makes it very easy to start advertising for their product the company is trying to put out. For example, TikTok is a very good way to show short clips of clothing and food. Places like YouTube promote anything to insurance, medical drugs, stores and food. Overall, all of these reasons lead to their products creating revenue for company 

cite- Social Media Marketing for Businesses, www.wordstream.com/social-media-marketing. Accessed 28 Jan. 2024. 


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