Advertising Advertising is marketing is a plan to promote a product or service to the consumers/buyers. Throughout the years advertising has been evolving and helped reach out to many potential customers around the world. Advertising has been on billboards, posters, tv shows, commercials, podcast and other social media in the world of marketing. Advertising in AI Since the growth of AI our world is changing rapidly. AI is affecting our jobs, communities, technology and the way we operate in our daily task. AI has affected the way we advertise products or services. For example, Nutella used AI to make a package stand out. AI is able to be creative and give ideas to companies. Here is the example Another way AI can market is by recommendations. Netflix has used AI as a recommendation tool. AI is able to collect data on shows and movies. AI can give the users taste in shows and movies. Overall, AI is able to help us in our economy and daily life. Cite K...